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Update for Mavention Last Modified Documents available


​A few days ago one of our clients reported an issue with the Mavention Last Modified Documents app for SharePoint. When opening a link in the app part using an iPad, the link was opened inside the app part instead of the browser window, making it very hard to read the document.

Since app parts are still pages inside an iframe, this is default behavior. However, apps for SharePoint make sure links "break out" of the iframe and open the page or document in the parent window. This mechanism does not work for certain versions of the iPad, causing the link to open inside the iframe. We resolved this issue by adding the target="_parent" attribute to the links in the app part in order to force links out of the iframe.

Since we were publishing a new version of the app, we decided to add an optimalisation right away. The app makes calls to SharePoint using the REST API. The calls are made using accept header "application/json;odata=verbose". While this is not wrong, it includes a lot of (meta)data to the result which we don't need. By changing the accept header to "application/json;odata=nometadata" a lot of the data we don't need is left out by the server, thus saving some bandwidth.

You can find the Mavention Latest Documents in the Office Store, or checkout all Apps by Mavention.
If you already have a version of the Mavention Latest Documents installed, all you need to do is update the app. You can find a short description on updating an app on MSDN How to: Update apps for SharePoint. If you install a new version you still need to configure it as described in the app or in this previous blog: Mavention Latest Documents available in the Office Store.

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